A Trauma Informed and Trained Manual Osteopath, Rolf Method Structural Integration Practitioner, Craniosacral Therapy, Doctor of Integrative Medicine and Educator.
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Craniosacral Therapy Training
Trauma Informed Cranial Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy Training in Taos, New Mexico
In conjunction with the University of New Mexico-Taos, I will be offering an intensive training in hands-on in person craniosacral therapy in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. The initial training will be offered as two 3 credit courses (45 contact hours each). Skill sets will address in depth anatomy and physiology, a quality of touch and listening, trauma informed listening, biomechanical and biodynamic models of treatment. We will also explore the relationship of birth trauma, perinatal psychology and birth mask and how to treat accordingly. Dr. Kirstie is bringing her own experience in working with clients with a trauma informed and trauma trained background in somatic therapies as well as birth work and a lens from osteopathic training.
Dr. Kirstie Segarra began her studies in craniosacral with Dr. Lee Veal, D.C. in 2007, then studied intensely with Dr. Ron Murray, DOMP Rolfer and Barry Method Practitioner. They teacher assisted for over 10 years before beginning to teach craniosacral at UNM-Taos. Also trained with Carol Agneesens, Rolfer for embryology and spatial somatics with a craniosacral approach. They trained with Dr. Jaap van der Waal in Embryoogy in Motion and with Karlton Terry in Birth Mask Reveal with perinatal psychology in 2022. Dr. Kirstie is currently completing her Doctor of Osteopathy (Manual Osteopathy) in December of 2023.
FALL TERM Course Number: CRN 75851 MAS265 800 for 3 credits (45 contact hours)
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm
Dates: September 2 & 3, 2023, October 7 & 8, 2023 and November 4 & 5, 2023
Cost for In-State 3 credits is $243
SPRING TERM Course Number: MAS261 3 credits (45 contact hours)
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm
Dates: February 3 & 4 , 2024, March 2 & 3, 2024 and April 6 & 7, 2024
Cost for In-State 3 credits is $243
Cost for Tuition at UNM-Taos depends on your status and enrollment as a student:
Per Credit Hour Half-Time 3/4 Time Full-Time
Resident $81.00 $30.00 $516.00 $759.00 $1,002.00
Non-Resident $206.00 $30.00 $1,266.00 $1,884.00 $2,502.00
Senior Rate $5.00 $30.00 $45.00
(Only available if there is room in the class on the first day of class, not guaranteed.)
To register you must enroll as a community non-degree seeking student at UNM-Taos at taos.unm.edu. Classes should be available to register by mid-April for Fall 2023.