I have taught yoga for over 12 years in my home town of Taos, New Mexico. I will be out and about and someone will introduce me to another as this is Kirstie, my yoga teacher. This is a difficult label for me. As I really identify more as a bodyworker and teacher of bodywork.
By the way I am teaching my last yoga class in two weeks.
"Bodyworkers use touch, manipulation or massage to help you heal. Bodyworkers include physical therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists, craniosacral therapists, Rolfers, Hellerworkers and practitioners of acupressure, the Alexander technique, Feldenkrais Method and Therapeutic Touch."
Before teaching yoga, I was a bodyworker for over 10 years. Everything I have taught in my movement/yoga classes was informed by my experience as a bodyworker. This is my foundation, roots and ground in what I teach. Like an aspen grove it is interconnected to a complex web of the living matrix.
In fact, I have been wanting to disassociate from the yoga world--there is so much that has fallen from grace in the yogic business, to much to go into here. This is one reason I am launching my weekend course this spring in the Rewilding the Feminine: A reclamation of our feminine divine nature through the Soma. As my work has always been about healing the energies within and balancing our biological systems--integrative living through the arts and spiritual practice.
I am truly excited to share my experience of soma and healing in movement and arts, from reclaiming our ground, pelvis and epigenetic roots; to centering and listening to the wisdom of our hearts as a natural fulcra; and full body expression integrative of mind fluid like a river.
As a child I played for hours in the forest and streams of the old growth forest in the Northwest. There is something so powerful and healing in connecting with the "wellspring" of the feminine and honoring the divine nature that is inherent in each of us. To truly heal, I believe we need to connect and honor mother earth with a deep respect and reverence for how she mirrors our own biological health and wellness.
In the spring workshop, we will be exploring movement in our own bodies, developing skills of listening to our body wisdom, integrating and reclaiming our bodies through rewilding in arts.
Om Shanti Om, Kirstie